Flexible and transparent pricing designed for credit innovators

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Pricing Overview

Access to the Bloom platform is priced using a tiered structure based on volume. Get one month free on any plan when paid annually. Additional discounts for startups and multi-product contracts may also be available depending on your use-case. Find the price point that makes the most sense for your organization, and then contact Sales to get started today.

Data Access

Bloom can function as either a reseller of bureau data or a connector using your existing credentials when you already have a bureau relationship. When acting as a reseller, additional data charges apply on top of the platform fee. Contact Sales to get a rate card for Bloom’s data SKUs.

Monthly Inquiries
Starting At
10,000 10,000
$450 $4,950
50,000 50,000
$2000 $22,000
25,000 25,000
Unlimited Unlimited

*Introductory offer for new credit products, limited to first 6 months


Bloom’s standard Furnishment offering includes the generation of a Metro 2 file and its submission to all 4 major bureaus once monthly. Files can be generated and submitted more frequently – including near real-time – for an additional fee. Contact Sales to learn more about Furnishment options.

Monthly Statements
Starting At
100,000 100,000
$450 $4,950
800,000 800,000
$2000 $22,000
250,000 250,000
980,000 980,000

*Introductory offer for new credit products, limited to first 6 months

Solving unique needs

Bureau credentialing

Bloom’s setup fee includes white-glove support to assist you in getting your organization and credit product approved by the credit bureaus.


Furnishment clients can contract for additional services to help get a disputes management program up and running.

Platform partnerships

Bloom works with other fintechs to embed our services within their platforms to provide turnkey integration for clients