Bloom Now Supports Batch Account Reviews

We are beginning to roll out Batch Account Reviews as our newest data access feature. Clients can register for this feature to set up recurring periodic Account Reviews for a selected set of consumers. 

How it Works

Once the bureau has processed the request, Bloom will return an aggregate output file as well as make it available for querying via our GQL API.

Customers can choose between silver and gold tiers:


Our Silver tier for Account Reviews allows you to request the FICO or Vantage model score for a selected set of consumers, providing you with valuable insights for a specific segment of consumers. 


This Account Review tier enables you to request the FICO or Vantage model score for a selected set of consumers, plus additional credit attributes.*

The batch account review feature is ideal for those requesting large volumes of Account Reviews who do not require an immediate, real-time response and who would like a cost-efficient option. 

*This does not include individual tradeline data

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